MATLAB: Error while using the ‘startDroneFlight’ command

Aerospace Blockset

Why do I get the error below while using the startDroneFlight command?
ERROR: >> rs.startDroneFlight
Terminating the currently executing shared object (if any) ....
Initiating execution of shared object ...
Execution of shared object initiated successfully.
Error using codertarget.parrot.internal.parrotminidrone/startDroneFlight (line 70)
Unable to establish a TCP connection to the minidrone.
Ensure that the generated code is deployed inside minidrone.

Best Answer

This error could be due to multiple reasons as mentioned below:
1. Firstly, check if the Bluetooth connection with the drone still exists. You could do this by executing the following command on MATLAB Command Prompt:
​If the ping command fails, it means that the bluetooth connection with the drone is severed. Please refer to the documentation page below on how to setup the Bluetooth connection:
Else, if the ping command is successful, then please follow the step below.
2. Get the flight log using the MATLAB Command ‘rs.getFlightLog’, where ‘rs’ is the parrot object that you have created. Open the ‘droneFlight.txt’ file that is downloaded into the current MATLAB working directory. If the flight log has several instances of ‘RSEDU IP Not Found’, as mentioned below, then it indicates that there may a linker error:
20 =========== LIBRSEDU UPDATE ================
21 =========== LIBRSEDU UPDATED ================
22 Custom control code found : no
23 Custom image processing code found : no
24 Custom optical flow fetch code found : no
25 RSEDU IP Not found
26 RSEDU IP Not found
27 RSEDU IP Not found
28 RSEDU IP Not found
29 RSEDU IP Not found
30 RSEDU IP Not found
One reason the above linker issue could occur is if you are using multiple rates in the model and have the ‘EnableMultiTasking’ parameter checked in Configuration parameters. This is not allowed for PARROT minidrone hardware. Please use a single sample time throughout the model or have the ‘EnableMultiTasking’ parameter unchecked.