MATLAB: Error while using imshow function.


%I have an empty "axes1" in GUI. I also have an picture in C directory. I want that while fig file opens, this picture can be automatically embed into this axes1. I wrote this code but it fails.
imshow(logo, 'Parent', handles.axes1)
% I wrote this code at the end of my function (% --- Executes just before my_guide_name is made visible.
function my_guide_name_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)

Best Answer

You should specify full image name(extension too ) within singles quotes. You are getting this error because logo is a predefined command in MATLAB. so you must enclose the name in quotes: 'logo.png'
Moreover,if your image is in directory other than your work directory you should move the image in your work directory or you can use imread to read that image:
I = imread('pathName\fileName');
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