MATLAB: Error while reading/writing variables from embedded matlab function..

embedded matlab functionMATLABsimulink

i am writing an embedded matlab function . the code is working fine when i enter the variables manually into the code but what i want to do is to import the variables from a .mat file
i have tried loading the file using blockproperties>>callback>>initfcn>>load("filtercoeff.mat') which contains the coefficient vector 'h'
a part of my code is—-> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function y = fcn(u); eml.extrinsic('load'); load('FilterCoeff.mat'); h1=h; sum=0; for j=1:11; sum=sum+u(j)*h1(j); end y = sum; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% but when i try to run the simulation is says" Undefined function or variable 'h'.
Function 'Embedded MATLAB Function' (#18.532.533), line 13, column 4: "h" Launch diagnostic report."
please tell me where i am going wrong..

Best Answer

The initfcn callback in Block Properties is loading the coefficients into the variable h in the global MATLAB Workspace. Unfortunately, the Embedded MATLAB function does not have direct access to the global workspace.
I can think of two ways to address this issue (I am sure there are other options as well):
Option 1
First, delete the code in the initfcn callback. Then, declare the filter coefficients h inside the EML Function as a persistent variable, and initialize this variable by loading the coefficients:
persistent data
if isempty(data)
data = load('FilterCoeff.mat');
In this case, you will find that the coefficients are located in:
Option 2
Pass the filter coefficients in to the EML Function block as an explicit input argument. If you want, you can specify this argument as a 'parameter' instead of an 'input' using the Edit Data/Ports option in the EML Function Editor.