MATLAB: Error while compiling embedded coder for Freescale FDRM-KL25z


I did follow the instruction from the example code to set up the configuration panel but this error message still exist and I;m suspecting this problem is related to MEX file because when i type >>mex -setup it pop out Error using mex No supported compiler or SDK was found. For options, visit However i already follow the Matlab support to reinstall windows SDK 7.1 and the following from this link
So is it the solution is to uninstall every damn thing and start installing the order from windows sdk 7.1 then lastly to Freescale support package?

Best Answer

I finally found the solution for this bug, indeed its related to MEX and because >>mex -setup shows error means the SDK must be form to allow the compiler to run ert.tlc file. After reinstalling Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 and windows SDK, relatively everything the error still remains. But by running windows SDK patch it solves the problem the best is to follow this link, read everything thoroughly and identify the problem yourself if anybody come across this error regards~
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