MATLAB: Error while clearing axes…

axes function

while designing matlab GUI i inserted a background image in the GUI… i used the following code in the opening function to insert the background image…
% create an axes that spans the whole gui
ah=axes('unit','normalized','position',[0 0 1 1]);
%import the background image and show it on the axes
% prevent plotting over the background and turn the axes off
%make sure that the background is behind all the uicontrols
my GUI contains many axes… on the first execution everything works well… now when i load the input image the second time i wanted to clear all the axes… so i used the following code in the load image function….
but when this is executed the background image i inserted also goes…what shud i do to retain the background image when all the other axes are being cleared…

Best Answer

arrayfun( @cla, setdiff( findall(0,'type','axes'), ax) );