MATLAB: Error while changing image bit depth in MATLAB


I'm trying to convert RGB image with some bit depth to BMP image of bit depth 8. here is my code
a = imread('DSC01684_5.bmp');
[x,map] = rgb2ind(a,32);
imwrite(x,map,'C:\Documents and Settings\Home\Desktop \DSC01684_5.bmp.','bitdepth', 8);
and I'm getting error like
??? Error using ==> imformats>find_in_registry at 507
Format specifier must be a 1-D character array.
Error in ==> imformats at 114
varargout{1} = find_in_registry(fmts, varargin{1});
Error in ==> imwrite>get_format_from_filename at 550
fmt_s = imformats(ext);
Error in ==> imwrite at 389
format = get_format_from_filename(filename);
is the error in imwrite function or in changing bit depth?
However if i use
output_filename = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Home\Desktop\DSC01684_5.bmp.'
imwrite(x, map, output_filename, 'bmp', 'bitdepth', 8);
I'm getting error like
??? Error using ==> imagesci\private\writebmp
Too many input arguments
Error in ==> imwrite at 429
feval(fmt_s.write, data, map, filename, paramPairs{:});

Best Answer

The first error is caused by the trailing dot in "DSC01684_5.bmp.", such that omitting it allows to recognize the file type by the extension.
Because RGB2IND replies an UINT8 for 32 colors, you do not have to specify the bitdepth explicitly:
file = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Home\Desktop\DSC01684_5.bmp'
imwrite(x, map, file);
% >> ... BitDepth: 8