MATLAB: Error while accessing the STATS properties in regionprops

Image Processing Toolboxregionpropsstats

if true
% code
STATS = regionprops(L, 'Extrema','Centroid');
if norm([STATS.Extrema(2,1), STATS.Extrema(2,2)]-[STATS.Extrema(1,1), STATS.Extrema(1,2)])<5
But I am getting an error stated below excatly on the line " if norm([STATS.Extrema(2,1), STATS.Extrema(2,2)]-[STATS.Extrema(1,1), STATS.Extrema(1,2)])<5 "
Field reference for multiple structure elements that is followed by more reference blocks is an error.
Can somebody please help how to solve this one? Thank you.

Best Answer

STATS is s structure array, so you're going to have to refer to a certain index when you refer to is, like
extrema7 = STATS(7).Extrema;
Or you're going to have concatenate them all into one array
allExtrema = [STATS.Extrema];
allExtremaX = allExtrema (1:2:end);
allExtremaY = allExtrema (2:2:end);