MATLAB: Error when Zoom in

MATLABzoom in error

Hi guys,
Here is my problem: I plotted a figure and wanted to zoom in to see some details. However, the error showed up:
Error using error (line 4)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in view (line 29)
error(nargoutchk(0, 2, nargout,'struct'));
Error in resetplotview>localCreateViewInfo (line 181)
[az, el] = view(hAxes);
Error in resetplotview>localResetPlotView (line 70)
viewinfo = localCreateViewInfo(hAxes);
Error in resetplotview (line 48)
retval = localResetPlotView(hAxes(n),varargin{:});
Error in (line 8)
Error in (line 5)
Error in zoom>localStoreLimits (line 678)
Error in zoom>localZoom (line 765)
Error in zoom>localStartDrag (line 739)
Error in zoom>localWindowButtonDownFcn (line 654)
Error in hgfeval (line 62)
Error in matlab.uitools.internal.uimode/modeWindowButtonDownFcn (line 115)
Error in matlab.uitools.internal.uimode/modeControl>localModeWindowButtonDownFcn (line
Error while evaluating Figure WindowButtonDownFcn
Then I tried to plot some very simple function, the same error still exists. My MATLAB version is: R2015a, 64 bits.
I never had such problem before. Does anybody know what happened? Thanks ahead!

Best Answer

My guess is that you've written your own error.m that's taking precedence over the built-in error function. You can check this using the which function. If you have created your own error.m, rename or remove it.