MATLAB: Error when using sgolayfilt


Hello, I want to use sgoalyfilt(x,order,framelen) but gets the error "Input arguments must be 'double'" and I cant´t understand why it dosn't work?
I use it like this:
framelen=556497; % dosen't matter if I use 51 or 5 either, it gives the same error
P1_filt = sgolayfilt(P1,order,framelen) % where P1 is my measures values in a vector 1112992X1
Grateful for some help!

Best Answer

hello Anna
are you sure P1 is type double ?
the code works on my side with dummy rand input
P1 = randn(1112992,1);
P1_filt = sgolayfilt(P1,order,framelen); % where P1 is my measures values in a vector 1112992X1
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