MATLAB: Error when interpolating data code attached


Im getting an error using the interp1, the workspace is attached. I think the issue is with te, where it jumps suddenly at indices 5139-5140. te is a time vector, eth is a concentration
ethi = interp1 (te, eth, (tg+5))

Best Answer

I get an error when I run your code
>> ethi = interp1 (te, eth, (tg+5));
Error using griddedInterpolant
The grid vectors are not strictly monotonic increasing.
Error in interp1 (line 191)
F = griddedInterpolant(X,V,method);
The message, The grid vectors are not strictly monotonic increasing., is clear enough.
>> issorted( te )
ans =
>> issorted( tg )
ans =
so far so good
>> any(diff(te)==0)
ans =
>> any(diff(tg)==0)
ans =
Thus, te is not strictly monotonic
>> find(diff(te)==0)
ans =
>> te(11032:11036)'
ans =
1.0e+09 *
1.4164 1.4164 1.4164 1.4164 1.4164
>> format hex
>> te(11033:11036)'
ans =
41d51b408950b780 41d51b408950be0e 41d51b408950be0e 41d51b408950c49c
>> figure, plot( te(11030:11040) )
Did you get the same or a different error message?
This works
>> te(11034)= te(11035)-eps(te(11035));
>> ethi = interp1 (te, eth, (tg+5));
>> te(11033:11036)'
ans =
41d51b408950b780 41d51b408950be0d 41d51b408950be0e 41d51b408950c49c