MATLAB: Error using thefun (line 15) Not enough input arguments.

input argumentsMATLAB

Hi can anybody help me to figure out what's wrong with this function? It keeps giving me the error: Error using myfun (line 15) Not enough input arguments.
Thank you so much
function S = myfun(c1,L_UC,L_US)
global r s
if r==0;
lam1 = L_UC+1;
lam2 = 1./lam1;
lam3 = 1./lam1;
I1 = (lam1sq+lam2sq+lam3sq);
%Simple shear
else s=0;
lam1 = L_US+1;
lam2 = 1.;
lam3 = 1.;
I1 = (lam1sq+lam2sq+lam3sq);
S= c1.*(I1-3);

Best Answer

How are you calling it? Are you are just pressing the play button (green triangle), then no inputs are passed to myfun. You need to call it with the expected inputs:
Or if you do want to use the green play button, you need to set up run configurations or defaults. This can be done two ways: by clicking on the down arrow next to the play button and inserting the code you wish to run, i.e.:
Or by putting defaults into your function. I.e. making the first line check if any inputs were provided and if they weren't, assigning them:
if ~nargin
%no inputs
c1 = pi;
L_UC = 10;
L_US = 'hello world';
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