MATLAB: Error using the polyder


Hello, I am using the version Matlab 2019a and aparently there is a bug using the polyder function. Even when I am trying to run the same calculations as in the example provided online, I get the following message:
>> p = [3 0 -2 0 1 5];
>> q = polyder(p)
Error using conv (line 10)
Dimensions have to be equal or larger than dimensions of the kernel!
Error in polyder (line 24)
a1 = conv(up,v); a2 = conv(u,vp);

Best Answer

You've likely written or downloaded a conv.m that's taking precedence over the conv function included in MATLAB. Line 10 of the conv function included in MATLAB is roughly in the middle of the help text, not an executable instruction.
To check this, run:
which -all conv
If there are any conv.m functions that are outside the matlabroot directory, rename or remove them.