MATLAB: Error using readtable, Input must be a row vector of characters or string scalar: WHERE IS YOUR PROBLEM?


Hi guys.
My problem is rather common but I cannot solve it. I have several .csv files that I want to combine into one (same sheet). I am trying
vars={'Temperature'; 'Relative humidity'};
path = append(output_path,'\',stations{i},'\');
files = append(path, 'Stats ', months ,' ', stations{i} ,' ',vars{1},' .csv');
result = table();
for fidx = 1:numel(files)
filecontent = readtable(files);
[~, filenumber] = fileparts(files(fidx).name);
filecontent.file_label = repmat(str2double(filenumber), height(filecontent), 1);
result = [result; filecontent];
Just to help you understand, stations{i} come from the attached .xlsx and the attached .csv is one of the many files I want to combine. When I run these lines I get the message "Error using readtable, Input must be a row vector of characters or string scalar". I tried files = char(files) but it didn't work.
Any ideas please???
PS. I am on 2019a.

Best Answer

readtable() can read one file at a time. Your "files" variable seems to contain multiple files. So you can't use readtable(files). Most likely, you need to use readtable(files{fidx})
Whenever there is an error, try to debug it yourself. Put a break point in the code, run the code line by line, check out the value of each variable, and look at the error message.