MATLAB: Error using radon Expected input number 1, I, to be two-dimensional.


my code is
ImageFile = imread('ct_brain2.jpg');
fotob = ImageFile; %the class is uint8
proy = 100;
cacah = 180/proy;
theta = 0:cacah:180-cacah;
[R,xp] = radon(fotob,theta);
citra = iradon(R,cacah);
I am getting an error as,
Error using radon
Expected input number 1, I, to be
Error in radon (line 63)
Error in CT_test (line 57)
[R,xp] = radon(fotob,theta);

Best Answer

Your jpg file is probably an RGB image (even if it doesn't look like a color image). That makes it a 3D array. You need to determine a way to reduce it to 1 color channel. In general for grayscale images you can simply select the first color channel.
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