MATLAB: ??? Error using ==> plot Invalid first data argument error

Instrument Control Toolboxplotting

I have the following code
for k=1:size(Desc,1) %Data_All{j}(i,1)=strcat(Desc{i}(1,:)); Data_All1{j}{k,1}=strcat(Desc{k}(1,:)); Data_All1{j}{k,2}=strcat(Dataopen{k}(1,:)); Data_All2{j}{k,1}=strsplit((Data_All1{j}{k,2}),' '); A{j}{k,1}=Data_All2{j}{k,1}; C3{j}{k,1}=A{j}{k,1}{2}; a1=C3{1}{1,1}; a2=C3{1}{1,1}; plot(a1,a2); Data_All1{j}{k,3}=strcat(Dataend{k}(1,:));
but i am getting ??? Error using ==> plot Invalid first data argument
can anyone help

Best Answer

Mekala - please format the above code so that it is readable. Highlight the code and press the {} Code button.
As well, please describe what your inputs are. Desc and Dataopen appear to be cell array of strings. Is this the case? Where is j initialized? If I run the above code, will it reproduce the error message that you have provided?
Given your use of strcat, strsplit, and naming of the variable Desc (for description?) it would appear that all of your arrays are populated with strings. This would include a1 and a2 which are inputs to the plot function
If I try to pass strings (character arrays) to this function as
then I observe the same error as you
Error using plot
Invalid first data argument
The error is appropriate. Is this what you are doing, and if so, what are you trying to plot?
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