MATLAB: Error using phase (line 15) Not enough input arguments.

12error using phaseinput argumentssemilog

>> f=10:1:100000; % f is the frequency varying from 10 to 100000 in steps of 1hz
xlabel('Frequency, rad/s'), ylabel('Gain, V/V')
title('Frequency Response Plots')
>> semilogx(w, phase);
Error using phase (line 15)
Not enough input arguments.
Hey everyone, how are you? I am having some trouble with this code. I am trying to make the argument that 'w' is my variable and for it to be displayed in the graph, but it is not showing up in the window when I graph it. Instead I get this error, has anyone else had trouble with this?!
Please help me 🙁
Thank you!

Best Answer

w = ?
phase = ?
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