MATLAB: Error using ode45. Must return a column vector


Hi everyone!
I want to call ode45 like that:
[td, xp] = ode45(@diffeqns, [t, tfin], xp);
Where diffeqns is defined as:
function dxp = diffeqns(t,xp)
global GM
GM = 6.6742e-11 * 5.9736e24 * 10^-9 * 3600^2;
global Q
Q = [0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0.001 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
r = sqrt(xp(1)^2+xp(2)^2);
x = xp(1:4);
dx(1) = x(3);
dx(2) = x(4);
dx(3) = GM*x(1)/r^3;
dx(4) = GM*x(2)/r^3;
F = [0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1; (GM*3*x(1)^2-r^2)/r^5 GM*3*x(1)*x(2)/r^5 0 0; ...
GM*3*x(1)*x(2)/r^5 GM*3*x(2)^2-r^2/r^5 0 0];
P = xp(5:20);
P = reshape(P,4,4);
dp = F*P+P*F'+Q;
dp = reshape(dp,1,16);
dxp = [dx dp];
dxp is a 1×20 vector, but I still get the error:
Error using odearguments (line 90)
DIFFEQNS must return a column vector.
Does anybody has any suggestion?

Best Answer

1x20 is not a column vector, but a row vector. transpose it to 20x1.