MATLAB: ??? Error using ==> mldivide (out of memory)

differentialerrorMATLABmatrixmemorymldivideodeout of memoryplotvector

??? Error using ==> mldivide
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in ==> RocketGamma2 at 75
a = deltav/deltat;
yo = [0;0];
[t y] = ode15s('F_Rocket',t,yo);
deltav = diff(y(:,2));
deltat = diff(t);
a = deltav/deltat;
plot (t(1:nc-1),a); grid on;
xlabel('Tiempo [s]');
ylabel('Aceleracion [m/s^2]');
title('Aceleracion vs. Tiempo');
I'm asking for an alternative way of obtaining the same result, if possible, without having to make memory adjustments.
Thanks, Moya

Best Answer

Did you search for this error message in this forum already. The suggestions are always the same:
  • Free memory that is not longer in use, see clear
  • Close otehr programs
  • Install more RAM
  • Check for bugs
  • Check the sizes of the concerned variables
Do you really want
a = deltav / deltat;
or should this be an elementwise division:
a = deltav ./ deltat;