MATLAB: Error using mex function

mex compilermex errormex file

I am using Matlab 2018a and Microsoft Visual Studio 2017community which is compatible with Matlab 2018a, I wanted to use svmlin of Vikas Sindhwani(<>. But when I execute "mex svmlin_mex.cpp ssl.o" command in the command window, the following errors appear: I tried with different compilers: 1-Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler with Windows 10 SDK or later (C++)'.:
2- Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2017'.
3- Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C++)'.
What is the problem and how it can be overcome?

Best Answer

The error messages are clear:
You try to store a mwIndex* in a int*, but you cannot expect, that they are compatible. The best solution is to define Data.colind with the correct type mwIndex*. The types int* and long long unsigned int* are simply different.
You would cause a crash, if your int* does not have the same width as mwIndex*. The sign matters also. So better rely on using correct types, even so it might "work" sometimes.