MATLAB: ‘Error using – Matrix dimensions must agree.’ Using anonymous functions

anonymous functionfunction handlematrix dimensions

I'm having some issues using anonymous functions, giving the error message 'Error using – Matrix dimensions must agree.' Code given below. R3 is a 3×1 vector, and all other variables not defined below are scalars.
f=1/(1+p^2+q^2)*[1-p^2+q^2 2*p*q -2*p]';
g=1/(1+p^2+q^2)*[2*p*q 1+p^2-q^2 2*q]';
X=@(F) a*((1-h^2*b)*cos(F)+h*k*b*sin(F)-k);
Y=@(F) a*((1-k^2*b)*sin(F)+h*k*b*cos(F)-h);
r=@(F) f*X(F)+g*Y(F);
dX=@(F) n*a^2/norm(r(F))*(h*k*b*cos(F)-(1-h^2*b*sin(F)));
dY=@(F) n*a^2/norm(r(F))*(-h*k*b*sin(F)+(1-k^2*b*cos(F)));
v=@(F) f*dX(F)+g*dY(F);
%Error is detected on this line
D=@(F) (r(F)-R3)*Cr*As*SF*Rs^2/(2*m*c*norm(r(F)-R3)^3);
da=@(F) 2*v(F)/(n^2*a);
symCja=@(F) 1/pi*dot(da(F),D(F))*cos(j*F);
I've tried calculating D using explicit values for F and it tells me that both r(F) and R3 are 3×1 vectors, so I don't see where the matrix dimensions issue comes from. I've also made sure that every other variable in that expression is a scalar, so I'm stumped- though my understanding of how anonymous functions actually work is very limited. Can anyone suggest where the issue might be coming from?

Best Answer

The function being integrated by the integral command must be able to accept a vector F as an input and return a vectorized result. Your D(F) cannot, and hence also symCja(F) which depends on it cannot.