MATLAB: Error using matlab.web​cam.intern​al.WebcamC​ontroller/​getCurr when using Unibrain Fire-i Webcams

Image Acquisition Toolbox

When using MATLAB 2016b in Windows 10, run the below command to capture images from 2 Unibrain Fire-i Webcams:
clear all
% Identifying Available Webcams
camList = webcamlist
% Connect to the webcam
camR = webcam(1)
camL = webcam(2)
When doing this I see following error:
camList =
2×1 cell array
'Unibrain Fire-i driver / Unibrain Fire-i Board'
'Unibrain Fire-i driver / Unibrain Fire-i Board'
camR =
webcam with properties:
Name: 'Unibrain Fire-i driver / Unibrain Fire-i Board'
Resolution: '640x480'
AvailableResolutions: {'640x480'}
camL =
webcam with properties:
Name: 'Unibrain Fire-i driver / Unibrain Fire-i Board'
Resolution: '640x480'
AvailableResolutions: {'640x480'}
Error using
Time out occured while trying to get a frame from the webcam.
Error in webcam/snapshot (line 227)
[image, timestamp] = obj.CamController.getCurrentFrame();
Error in stereoPlayer (line 11)
imR = snapshot(camR);

Best Answer

The support package you are using may or may not work with the Unibrain Fire-i webcams.
Instead, try using WINVIDEO adaptor and see if it works as expected. If this also does not work, you may get in touch with the Unibrain Fire-i to check if there are any incompatibility issues in the support package.
Please try to use the below workflow which uses WINVIDEO adaptor and check if the issue persists.
vid1 = videoinput('winvideo',1);
vid2 = videoinput('winvideo',2);
strt([vid1 vid2]);
for i=0:1000
imgl = getsnapshot(vid1);
imgr = getsnapshot(vid2);
stop([vid1 vid2]);
delete([vid1 vid2]);