MATLAB: Error using matlab.ui.​​control.E​d​itField/​se​t.Value (line 98) ‘Value’ must be a character vector or a string scalar.

app designerguiguidevalue vs string property

I do simple App Designer to Circle/Sphere Calculations but I have error her
app.radius = app.EntertheradiusEditField.Value;
diameter = 2*app.radius;
[[[ app.ThediameterisEditField.Value = diameter;]]]
app.CircumferenceEditField.Value =2*pi*app.radius;
Error using matlab.ui.control.EditField/set.Value (line 98)
'Value' must be a character vector or a string scalar.

Best Answer

The component EDITED app.EntertheradiusEditField.Value is probably a Text Field, which accepts only characters/array, replace it with the numeric field component.
I would suggest you to work through the example applications in App Designer and you'll understand how things work clearly.