MATLAB: Error using matlab.cod​etools.req​uiredFiles​AndProduct​s (line 91)

licenseMATLABMATLAB Compiler

Here is an error with checking required products. This worked fine previously but not now.
[fList,pList] = matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts('test.mlapp');
Error using matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts (line 91)
Simulink is not avaiable.
First time this happened while trying to compile:
Log error details:
Error while determining required deployable files. Compilation terminated. Details:
Error using <a href="matlab:matlab.internal.language.introspective.errorDocCallback('matlab.depfun.internal.SimulinkModelInspector', 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\toolbox\matlab\depfun\+matlab\+depfun\+internal\SimulinkModelInspector.m', 11)" style="font-weight:bold">matlab.depfun.internal.SimulinkModelInspector</a> (<a href="matlab: opentoline('C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\toolbox\matlab\depfun\+matlab\+depfun\+internal\SimulinkModelInspector.m',11,0)">line 11</a>)
Simulink is not avaiable.
mcc failed.
license('inuse') shows, but I am not sure what was it before.
I tried other version R2018b and R2019a. They are working fine with same license but I need R2019b version.
I tried signing out (Win 10) and restarting MATLAB R2019b. Same problem still there. This is with any app, not one that uses Simulink…
  • What is the solution for R2019b?

Best Answer

Here is the response from the support:
"This dependency analysis can be suppressed by commenting the following lines of code:
>> edit toolbox/matlab/depfun/+matlab/+depfun/+internal/Completion.m
% if requirementsConstants.isSimulinkCompilerAccessible
% slx = matlab.depfun.internal.SimulinkModelInspector(objHandles, fcnHandles, flags);
% for ext = requirementsConstants.simulinkModelExt
% obj.Inspectors(ext{1}) = slx;
% end
% end
On my computer, it is line 1754 to 1759. "
Take care making these changes, and you will likely need Admin rights....
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