MATLAB: Error using load: Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file must be the same as previous lines.


Hello. I am trying to model a transceivers functionality and capability in MATLAB. I have recorded a signal and modulated the signal to 'send off' for fellow classmates to demodulate and discover. Of course, I am attempting to demodulate the signal first to make sure everything works. However, I am continuously running into the error code mentioned in the title when I try to load the "Modulated.wav" file. Can anyone please help me fix this issue?
% Demodulated Signal
clear all;
Fc = 500; % Carrier Frequency in Hz
Fs = 12000; % Sampling Frequency in Samples/Sec
load Modulated.wav

Best Answer

The load function is intended for use in loading a MAT-file or a regularly formatted text file. Use audioread to read in a sound file.