MATLAB: Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.

error using *

I am trying from two days please Help
thank you ..
full code ……
Red = geotiffread('C:\Users\Adya\Desktop\matlab_workshop\LST\LST\images\band2.tif');
NIRed = geotiffread('C:\Users\Adya\Desktop\matlab_workshop\LST\LST\images\Band3.tif');
R = histeq(Red);
NIR = histeq(NIRed);
R = im2double(R);
NIR = im2double(NIR);
%Estimation of NDVI
ndvi = (NIR -R) ./ (NIR + R);
%figure(4),imshow(ndvi, []), title('NDVI');
%text(size(ndvi,2), size(ndvi,1) + 15,...
% 'Positive values shows the Vegetation and Negative values shows the NoneType Vegetation',...
%'FontSize', 8, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');


%Estimation of Land Surface Emissivity%%
%NDVIs = soils
%NDVIv = Vegetation
NDVIs = 0.2;
NDVIv = 0.5;
Pv = (ndvi - NDVIs) ./ (NDVIv - NDVIs);
%ndvi = Pv
ndvi = (Pv.^2);
Cj = 1;
%E = (0.004*ndvi+ 0.990*(1-ndvi));
Ei = (NDVIs*ndvi + NDVIv*(1-ndvi) + Cj);
%Conversion of Digital Numbers (DNs) to Radiance
DN = geotiffread('C:\Users\Adya\Desktop\matlab_workshop\LST\LST\images\band14.tif');
DN = histeq(DN);
DN = im2double(DN);
UCC = 0.005693;
L = (DN-1)*UCC;
Conversion of Radiance to Brightness Temperature
K1 = 649.60;
K2 = 1274.49;
BT = ((K2) ./ log(((K1) ./ (L)) + 1));
% Y Lamb
y = 11.289;
%BT = (BT);
P = ((1.438)*(10.^-2));
%%calculation of LST
LST = (BT)./{1 + (y*(BT)./P)*log(Ei)};
%filename = 'C:\Users\Adya\Desktop\matlab_workshop\LST\LST\images\geotiffexample.tif';

Best Answer

Maybe you need to do element-wise multiply for that calculation using the .* operator (with the dot in the front) instead of the matrix multiply operator * (without the dot).
Also, not sure what you expect as a result when dividing by a cell. E.g., this line
LST = (BT)./{1 + (y*(BT)./P)*log(Ei)};
Did you mean for those curly braces { } to be parentheses instead ( ) ?