MATLAB: Error using inline/subsref (line 14) Too many inputs to inline function.

inline()subsreftoo many inputs

Greetings, my code run with error message of 'Error using inline/subsref (line 14) Too many inputs to inline function.'
This is where I used inline function.
df = vectorize(inline(get(handles.edit8,'String')))
f = vectorize(inline(get(handles.edit9,'String')))
When I run with the string of ' df(x,y) = 4.*exp(0.8.*x)-0.5.*y' and ' f(x) = (40.*exp(-x./2).*exp((13.*x)./10))./13 – (14.*exp(-x./2))./13', the code run perfectly.
However, when i run with this string ' df(x) = -2.*x.^3+12.*x.^2-20.*x+8.5' and 'f(x) = – x.^4./2 + 4.*x.^3 – 10.*x.^2 + (17.*x)./2 + 1', it has the error message.
Need help for this issue and it is very much appreciated! Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

The way you've described the problem, it sounds like whatever is invoking the inline object will pass 2 inputs into df, but when you construct the inline in the second case it only detects one variable in the expression (using symvar) and so inline will construct an object that only accepts one input.
I strongly suggest that you use str2func to create an anonymous function instead of creating an inline object.