MATLAB: Error using Imread with ‘PixelRegion’ option


I am having problems using imread.
Following code causes an error, imgName is full file address '/…/name.jpeg'
>> imread(imgName, 'PixelRegion',{[10, 20],[10, 20]})
Error using imagesci/private/readjpg
Too many input arguments.
Error in imread (line 438)
[X, map] = feval(, filename, extraArgs{:});
I have tried to modify the input arguments according to few tutorials but I still receive this error. I am usnig Matlab R2011b.
Thanks for answer.

Best Answer

That only works for JPEG 2000 format images. Are you sure your image is of that format? Otherwise read in the whole thing and extract:
grayImage = imread(fullFileName);
subImage = grayImage(10:20, 10:20);