MATLAB: Error using imfilter: imfilter_mex.mexw64

errorimage processingImage Processing Toolboxmex

Error using Settings
Undefined function or variable 'matlab.internal.getSettingsRoot'.
Error in iptgetpref (line 22)
s = Settings;
Error in imfilter>filterPartOrWhole (line 331)
result = imfilter_mex(a, outSize, h, nonzero_h,...
Error in imfilter (line 175)
b = filterPartOrWhole(a, finalSize, h, pad, sameSize, convMode);
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\toolbox\images\images\private\imfilter_mex.mexw64': The specified module could not be found. Error in imfilter>filterPartOrWhole (line 331) result = imfilter_mex(a, outSize, h, nonzero_h,… Error in imfilter (line 175) b = filterPartOrWhole(a, finalSize, h, pad, sameSize, convMode);
How do I work around this error? I reinstalled the image processing toolbox, but it still does not work.

Best Answer

It sounds like your path has been been corrupted. Please run the following commands to restore it:
rehash toolboxcache;
If it works after these two commands, then run:
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