MATLAB: Error using histc. First Input must be a real non-sparse numeric array.

matrix manipulation

data = load('Day10.mat');
data = data.timestamps;
data{1} = data{1,1}';
data{2} = data{1,2}';
data{3} = data{1,3}';
data{4} = data{1,4}';
data{5} = data{1,5}';
data{6} = data{1,6}';
data{7} = data{1,7}';
data{8} = data{1,8}';
edges = [0 33.3115 33.3125 33.3135 33.3145 33.3155 33.3165 33.3175 33.3185 Inf];
n = histc(data, edges);
bar(n, 'histc');
set(gca,'XTick',1:length(edges),'XTickLabel', {edges(1:10)});
The above shown script is what I am using to generate histogram which should look something like this:
But I am not able to do it. Can anyone suggest me how to go about do this? The data is stored in this format:
The timestamps variable is 1*8 cell with each cell containing 1*213549 double values.

Best Answer

temp = cellfun@(X) reshape(histc(X, edges), [], 1), data, 'Uniform', 0);
n = horzcat(temp{:});