MATLAB: Error using fzero. I don’t know where to place the (.) properly. Please help

fzeroMATLABOptimization Toolbox

Here's the error code:
Error using fzero (line 289)
FZERO cannot continue because user supplied function_handle ==>
failed with the error below.
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in LBYCHEH_EA2_Ex42_ChengVillalva_CindyMako (line 11)
z = fzero(x,30)
Re = 1500:15000;
E = [0.00001;0.00005;0.0001;0.0005;0.001;0.005;0.01;0.03;0.05;0.07;0.09;0.1];
hold all;
a = 1;
while a<12
f = 0.16*Re.^(-0.16)
x = @(f)(1/sqrt(f) + 0.86*2.303*log(E(a)./3.7 + 2.51/(Re.*sqrt(f))))
z = fzero(x,30)
a = a + 1;
grid on;
title('Colebrook-White Moody Chart');
xlabel('Reynolds number, Re');
ylabel('Fanning friction factor, f');

Best Answer

At a quick glance you are missing a dot '.' after 2.51
x = @(f)(1/sqrt(f) + 0.86*2.303*log(E(a)./3.7 + 2.51./(Re.*sqrt(f))))
Try that