MATLAB: Error using fprintf Unable to convert ‘sym’ value to ‘double’.


I am new in Matlab, and basically it seems I am not using the symbolic variables correctly.
t=0:0.5:10;sm x ;
for ii=1:length(t)
R(ii)=(2/pi)* int(f,x,0,inf);
fprintf('%2.1f\t %3.10f\n',[t(ii); R(ii)])

Best Answer

If you have R2016b or later, use vpaintegral:
This works (with the fprintf call corrected to eliminate the spaces between the backslant and the characters they escape, and a few other corrections):
t = 0: 0.5: 10;
syms x;
R = zeros (1, length (t),'sym');
for ii = 1: length (t)
f = tanh (x) ^ 2 / (x ^ 2) * cos ((x * tanh (x)) ^ (1/2) * t (ii));
R (ii) = (2 / pi) * vpaintegral (f, x, 0, inf);
fprintf ('% 2.1f \t% 3.10f \n', [t (ii); R (ii)])