MATLAB: Error using fminbnd function


i am trying to minimize function vDS_ using following commands
syms x
iC1_ = 1-3.58*sin(x+2.57)+0.86*cos(3*x)+1.227*sin(3*x)+2.17*sin(x+2.57) – 0.536;
f = int(iC1_,[0.75*pi x]);
VIN = int(f,[0.75*pi 2*pi]);
vDS_ = 2*pi*f/VIN;
[x,fval] = fminbnd(vDS_,0.75*pi,2*pi)
vDS_max = fval
But I am getting error as shown below
Error using fcnchk (line 106)
If FUN is a MATLAB object, it must have an feval method.
Error in fminbnd (line 191)
funfcn = fcnchk(funfcn,length(varargin));
Error in abc (line 7)
[x,fval] = fminbnd(vDS_,0.75*pi,2*pi)
Is there any problem with function definition?

Best Answer

Convert vDS_ via "matlabFunction" to a numerical function handle before calling "fminbnd".