MATLAB: Error using digraph/subsref


Hi, I have tried to use digraph on a Matlab2016 version.
However the result is: Error using digraph/subsref Method 'subsref' is not defined for class 'digraph' or is removed from MATLAB's search path.
Error in name of program (line 117) plot(G,'Layout','force','EdgeLabel',G.Edges.Weight,'markersize',20)
Warning: Function subsasgn has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential name conflict.

Best Answer

Is there actually a Weight column in your edge table? If you haven't specified a weight of any edge, the Weight column is never created.
I can easily reproduce a similar error in R2017a if the graph does not have weights for the edges. In R2017a, the error message is a bit more detailed:
>> G = digraph([1 1], [2 3]);
>> plot(G,'Layout','force','EdgeLabel',G.Edges.Weight,'markersize',20)
Error using digraph/subsref (line 27)
Unrecognized variable name 'Weight'.
>> G.Edges
ans =
2×1 table
1 2
1 3
>> G = digraph([1 1], [2 3], [5 3])
>> plot(G,'Layout','force','EdgeLabel',G.Edges.Weight,'markersize',20)
>> G.Edges
ans =
2×2 table
EndNodes Weight
________ ______
1 2 5
1 3 3
No error