MATLAB: Error using connectpoly


I am doing lab practical to connect subsample using connectpoly.I follow the code written in the manual and require to understand how it works.But it has error.The necessary .p file already included but to no avail.
Can someone explain to me why?
Below is part of the code cn = connectpoly(s(:,1),s(:,2)); g2 = bound2im(cn,M,N,min(s(:,1)),min(s(:,2))); figure(1);subplot(2,3,6);imshow(g2) title('connected subsample')
The error is as follow :
??? Undefined function or method 'intline' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in ==> C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\Lab Exe 6\connectpoly.p>connectpoly at 25
Error in ==> q1 at 38 cn = connectpoly(s(:,1),s(:,2));

Best Answer

Intline should be supplied with the DIPUM TB, if it is missing just google it.