MATLAB: Error using clustergram function

clustergram computedendrogram hierarchical clusters

I get the following error when using the clustergram function: Error using clustergram>computeDendrogram (line 1274) Encountered error while computing hierarchical clusters: Too many input arguments.
However, I make use of the default setting and therefore only send my data through to the function.
I think it may be the software version (R2016b) I'm using as I do not get this error when running my code on "older" software?
Please help
Thank you Mari

Best Answer

Solved: I reset the path to the default (home tab>set path>default>save>restart matlab). You will need to make note of any manual changes you have made to the saved path to make them again (i.e. third party toolboxes will have to be reinstalled).
I could not identify the specific folder that was causing the issue for me. If you have made manual changes to the saved path, you may want to make these one by one, restarting matlab and testing the clustergram function with each.