MATLAB: Error using cat: Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.


I want to combine 4 matrices with dimensions:
z = 360x181x124
z1 = 360x181x124
z2 = 360x181x112
z3 = 360x181x124
I use the cat function:
z_T = cat(1,z,z1,z2,z3);
But i get the error "Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent."
I know why I get it but I dont know how I can solve it. Please help!

Best Answer

Those are 3-D images so you need to concatenate along the 4th dimension:
z_T = cat(4, z, z1, z2, z3);
unless you just want them in one big long 1-D vector, in which case you'd do this:
z_T = cat(1, z(:), z1(:), z2(:), z3(:));