MATLAB: Error : Undefined variable “uiscopes” or class “uiscopes.​getDefault​Position” – standalone application

MATLAB Compilerstand-alone application

Currently, I'm building a stand-alone Windows application using Matlab Compiler. While the GUI matlab code runs perfectly within Matlab, the compiled stand-alone application doesn't work and gives an error – Undefined variable "uiscopes" or class "uiscopes.getDefaultPosition".
In my Matlab code, I create a Spectrogram scope window using dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer. Without dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer, the stand-alone application is executed well without any problem although there is no spectrogram scope window.
My matlab version is 2014a. How can I run the stand-alone application without the error?

Best Answer

on the page product support of compiler you see what functionality is supported. I unterstand that the SpectrumAnalyzer falls into the category "Apps and UIs". Sorry ...