MATLAB: ERROR: “Undefined function or method for double type” + “feval error” – Strange case/no plots

double typeengineeringerrorfevalkinematicsMATLABno plotundefined function

My script only plots 1 out of 3 equations. It returns an error that stops the other two:
??? Error using ==> feval Undefined function or method 'F_CubeSat_AerotechG80' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in ==> odearguments at 98 f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
Error in ==> ode15s at 227 [neq, tspan, ntspan, next, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, …
Error in ==> F__CubeSat_rocket1 at 46 [t y] = ode15s('F__CubeSat_AerotechG80',t,yo); % Instruccion para utilizar _
This is the code for the main script
% Este programa calcula la trayectoria vertical de un cohete.
% Considera efectos de fuerza de arrastre y de empuje. Se presume
% que el vuelo es perfectamente vertical y no hay velocidad de viento.
% La densidad del aire y la aceleracion de la gravedad se presumen
% constantes
clear all
close all
global T rho Cd Af g mo mdot tb tf dt Dt
load(('F__CubeSat_AerotechG80.txt')) %Descarga el empuje del motor
[nr nc] = size(F__CubeSat_AerotechG80);
n = nr*nc; %Cantidad total de datos en archivo del motor
tf = 0.03125*(n-1); %Tiempo final de vuelo
Dt = 0.03125; %Incremento de tiempo original datos del motor
tt = (0:Dt:tf);
T = F__CubeSat_AerotechG80';
dt = 0.001; %Incremento de tiempo deseado para solucion
t = (0:dt:tf);
[Nr Nc] = size(t);
%--------------------Grafico fuerza de empuje--------------------------
plot(tt,T); grid on;
xlabel('tiempo [seg]');
ylabel('Empuje [N]');
rho = 1.2041; % Densidad del aire [kg/m^3]
Cd = 0.2; % Coeficiente de arrastre
Af = 2.026e-3; % Area frontal del cohete [m^2]
g = 9.81; % Aceleracion gravedad [m/s^2]
mo = 0.5; % Masa inicial del cohete [kg]
tb = 1.5; % Tiempo de combustion del motor [seg]
mdot = 0.0417; % Flujo masico de combustible[kg/s]
yo = [0;0]; % Condiciones iniciales [posicion y velocidad]
%--------------------------Computo de posicion--------------------------
[t y] = ode15s('F__CubeSat_AerotechG80',t,yo); % Instruccion para utilizar
% la libreria de ecuaciones diferenciales
%----------------------Grafico de posicion vs tiempo--------------------
plot(t,y(:,1)); grid on;
xlabel('Tiempo [seg]');
ylabel('Altura [m]');
%---------------------Grafico de velocidad vs tiempo--------------------
plot(t,y(:,2)); grid on;
xlabel('Tiempo [seg]');
ylabel('Velocidad [m]');
%---------------Computo y grafico de aceleracion vs tiempo--------------
deltav = diff(y(:,2));
deltat = diff(t);
a = deltav./deltat;
plot (t(1:Nc-1),a); grid on;
xlabel('Tiempo [seg]');
ylabel('Aceleracion [m/s^2]');
This is the code for the supporting script file:
function ydot=F__CubeSat_rocket(t,y)
global T rho Cd Af g mo mdot tb tf dt Dt
dt = 0.001;
if t<=tb
m = mo-mdot*t;
m = mo-mdot*tb;
ty = (0:Dt:tf);
Tb = interp1(ty,T,t);
I have no idea how to resolve it. It should be working; I've even thought it's a MatLab version issue. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart if you can explain to me what the error here is.
All thanks in advance.

Best Answer

It looks like your ODE function is called F__CubeSat_rocket:
function ydot = F__CubeSat_rocket(t,y)
However, you are calling ode15s with F__CubeSat_AerotechG80
[t y] = ode15s('F__CubeSat_AerotechG80',t,yo);
I assume you want
[t y] = ode15s('F__CubeSat_rocket',t,yo);