MATLAB: Error trying to evaluate the following partial fraction as practice on matlab [5(s+2)] / [s(s^2+8s+15)]

partial fractions

>> denf=s*[1+8+15];
>> [r,p,k]=residue(numf,denf)
Undefined function 'filter' for input arguments of type 'sym'.
Error in deconv (line 32) [q,zf] = filter(b, a, [1 zeros(1,nb-na)]);
Error in residue (line 88) if length(u) >= length(v), [k,u] = deconv(u,v); end

Best Answer

eliminate symbols
num = [1,2];
den = [1,8,15];
[r,p,k] = residue(num,den); % go through documentation of residue