MATLAB: Error Simulating Model When Enabling the 3D Engine with the Vehicle Dynamics Blockset in MATLAB R2018b

3dblocksetdirectorydynamicsengineerrorsimulinkspacetemptemporaryusernamevehicleVehicle Dynamics Blocksetvisualization

Using the shipped 'vdynblksDblLaneChangeStart' demo with the '3D Engine' visualization turned on, the model errors with the following message upon simulation:
MATLAB System block 'DLCReferenceApplication/Visualization/3D Engine/3D Engine/Simulation 3D Engine 1/Simulation 3D Engine' error occurred when invoking 'setupImpl' method of 'Simulation3DEngine'. The error was thrown from:
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\shared\sim3d\sim3d\+sim3d\Engine.p' at line 0
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\shared\sim3d\sim3d\+sim3d\Engine.p' at line 0
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\shared\sim3d\sim3d\+sim3d\Project.p' at line 0
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\shared\sim3dblks\sim3dblks\Simulation3DEngine.p' at line 0'.
Caused by:
Invalid default value for property 'engine' in class 'sim3d.Engine':
3D simulation engine interface setup error (1). Please check the toolbox preferences and ini-file.
Is there a way to fix this?

Best Answer

This issue is potentially caused by spaces in the Windows "%temp%" directory path. Once your Windows "%temp%" directory path does not have a space, the simulation should be able to execute without error. Spaces in the Windows "%temp%" directory may be caused by spaces in the Windows username.