MATLAB: Error reading through all images in a directory

for loopimage acquisitionimage processingMATLAB

Hi folks,
I'm trying to loop through all images in a directory but I get an error that my file doesn't exist, despite it definitely existing and the directory being correctly specified in matlab. Below is my code, can you spot what I'm doing wrong please?
destDir = 'F:\pet images\';
imageList = dir(fullfile(destDir, '*.tif'));
destinationPathName = 'F:\crops\';
for k = 1:numel(imageList)
currentImage = imageList(k).name;
img = imread(currentImage);
The code continues from here but it won't progress past this point as this is where my error lies.

Best Answer

currentImage = fullfile(imageList(k).folder, imageList(k).name);