MATLAB: Error on ‘axes’ parameters


I am receiving the following error probably referring to 'XLim' or 'YLim' as 'axes' parameters:
Error using axes
Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the second element is larger than the first and may be Inf
I checked my workspace and everything seems fine since 'XLim' is a 1×2 datetime vector and 'YLim' is a 1×2 numeric vector with their 'min limit' < 'max limit'.
The related code is the following:
ax1 = gca;
ax1_Pos = ax1.Position;
ax1_XLim = ax1.XLim;
ax1_YLim = ax1.YLim;
ax1_start = ax1.XLim(1);
%ax1_end = ax1.XLim(2);
xticks([ax1_start, time_dat(51-1), time_dat(86-1), time_dat(129-1), time_dat(170-1)]);
ax2_labels = {'z_acc_test','setup1','y_acc_test','setup2','x_acc_test'};
ax2 = axes('Position', ax1_Pos, 'XLim', ax1_XLim, 'YLim', ax1_YLim, 'XAxisLocation', 'top', 'YAxisLocation', 'right', 'XTick', xticks, 'XTickLabel', ax2_labels);

Best Answer

In the last line of your code, what does 'xticks' equal? I see you use the function xticks() but I don't see where you have assigned a value to a variable 'xticks'. Could your error be due to that?