MATLAB: Error: “Not enough input arguments”


Hi. I'm new to matlab and I'm trying to optimize a distillation column with the NSGA II algorithm. However, I am having the following error: "Not enough input arguments". Can someone help me?
function [Obj, Cons] = Fun_Objective(X)
global Aspen
Stages = X(1) + 2;
Pressure = X(2);
Feed_Stage = round((Stages-4)*X(3) + 2);
Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Blocks\B2\Input\NSTAGE").Value = Stages;
Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Blocks\B2\Subobjects\Column Internals\INT-1\Input\CA_STAGE2\INT-1\CS-1").Value = Stages - 1;
Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Blocks\B2\Input\PRES1").Value = Pressure;
Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Blocks\B2\Input\FEED_STAGE\S50").Value = Feed_Stage;
Aspen.Reinit; % Reinit simulation
Aspen.Engine.Run2(1); %Run the simulation. (1) ---> Matlab isnt busy; (0) Matlab is Busy;
time = 1;
Error = 0;
while Aspen.Engine.IsRunning == 1 % 1 --> If Aspen is running; 0 ---> If Aspen stop.
time = time+1;
if time==600 % Control of simulation time.
Error = 1;
Conv = Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Results Summary\Run-Status\Output\PER_ERROR").Value; %Convergence Assessment
if Error == 0 && Conv == 0
Pur = Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Streams\S4\Output\MASSFLOW\MIXED\ACROL-01").Value/Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Streams\S4\Output\MASSFLMX\MIXED").Value;
Purity = 0.95 - Pur; %This means: Pur > 0.95 mol frac.
%Recovery > 0.98
Recovery = 0.98 - (Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Streams\S4\Output\MASSFLOW\MIXED\ACROL-01").Value/Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Streams\S50\Output\MASSFLOW\MIXED\ACROL-01").Value);
%Constraints Vector
c(1,1) = Purity;
c(1,2) = Recovery;
Cons = (c>0).*c; %Only accept unsatisfied constrainst: c > 0
CAPEX = AcrilonitrilaCAPEX()/10; %Fixed Distillation Cost
OPEX = AcrilonitrilaOPEX(); %Operating Distillation Cost
Obj = [CAPEX, OPEX]; %Objectives Function. CAPEX vs OPEX
Obj = [2e7, 2e7];
Cons = [1, 1];

Best Answer

You cannot run the objective function directly: you need to run a function such as the supplied Opt* function which sets up the conditions for everything to be called.