MATLAB: Error message- variable cannot be saved use -v7.3 switch


Hi, I am running in fMRI analysis using matlab 2014a and SPM 12. I am able to estimate a model in SPM when I use just a few subjects with no error messages in Matlab, but when I run all subjects, I receive the message a couple times during the model estimation. "Warning: Variable 'SPM' cannot be saved to a MAT-file whose version is older than 7.3 Skipping…." To save this variable use the -v7.3" What does this mean? I am using matlab 2014a so I am not sure where the file with version 7.3 comes in? Or why it is only a problem when running some subjects but not others. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
Best, Christy

Best Answer

I have not looked at the SPM source in at least 3 years, so I cannot tell you at the moment what circumstances would trigger the problem. But if you just want to fix the problem, then according to the documentation for save():
To view or set the default version for MAT-files, select a MAT-file save format option in the General Preferences.
Make sure you set that to v7.3 and then try again.
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