MATLAB: Error message on if functions with two arrays

if functionvectors

Using two if conditions, I'm trying to compare the subsequent values of an array and the second value of these with the same row of another vector. Somehow, it returns the error message, that the index exceeds the matrix. In excel, it's just a simple if function IF(AND(A1<>A2,A2=B2),1,0). Any idea where I'm running wrong? I kindly attached the matlab code, too:
wi1 = zeros (N,1);
for i=1:N if roi1(i+1)~= roi1(i) && roi1(i)== buobem(i) wi1 = 1; else wi1 = 0; end end
Any help would be very much appreciated, please. Thank you

Best Answer

Guessing here, because of the paucity of information.
for i=1:N-1