MATLAB: Error Message: ‘Matrix dimensions must agree’

MATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematrix dimensionmatrix manipulation

m%%Declare Variables:
n = [.1, 1.0, 1.5];
t= [0:.1:10];
k = 10 %N/m;
m = 5 %kg;
A = 5; %m (initial postion);
omega0 = sqrt(k/m);
omegad = omega0.*sqrt(1.-n.^2);
s = exp(-n.*omega0.*t).*(A*cos(omegad.*t));
v = -n.*omega0.*exp(-n.*omega0.*t).*(A.*cos(omegad.*t))-exp(-n.*omega0.*t).*(A.*sin(omegad.*t).*omegad);
a = (-n.*omega0).^(2).*exp(-n.*omega0.*t).*(A.*cos(omegad.*t))+exp(-n.*omega0.*t).*(A.*sin(omegad.*t).*omegad)...
On line 26 (the s variable) I keep getting the error that the matrix dimensions do not agree and quite frankly I have no idea why, very new to the program and still trying to figure everything out. I appreciate any and all help.
I guess while I'm here I also have a question in that I want A to be a function of s, with it's initial condition being five, so how would I be able to rewrite A in terms of s after the initial run through of it being 5?
The release version is R2019a if that helps with answering.

Best Answer

In the following expression
s = exp(-n.*omega0.*t).*(A*cos(omegad.*t));
n have length 3 and t have 101, how can you do element wise vector multiplecation.
As you defined
n =[.1, 1.0, 1.5];
t= [0:.1:10];
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