MATLAB: Error “Matrix index is out of range for deletion” with dynamic variable names but not hardcoded names

dynamic variablematrix index is out of range for deletion

I get the error for the following case using dynamic variables:
% some things I pulled out of my data for the example:
arms = {'L','R'};
fields.L = [17 8 12 16];
fields.R = [12,6];
[~,removeL,removeR] = intersect(fields.L,fields.R);
uniquefields = fields;
% loop through arms (errors here)
for iArm = 1:length(arms)
uniquefields.(arms{iArm})(['remove',arms{iArm}]) = [];
But it doesn't happen when I hardcode it:
uniquefields.L(removeL) = [];
uniquefields.R(removeR) = [];
Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

The code blocks are not doing the same thing. Your loop is doing:
uniquefields.('L')('removeL') = []
It could be fixed with an eval of the string but that is going in the wrong direction. I suggest trying this sequence:
arms = {'L','R'};
fields.L = [17 8 12 16];
fields.R = [12,6];
[~,remove{1},remove{2}] = intersect(fields.L,fields.R);
uniquefields = fields;
% loop through arms
for iArm = 1:length(arms)
uniquefields.(arms{iArm})(remove{iArm}) = [];
There are probably much better solutions for your final code I don't much like needing a list of field names to be used dynamically.