MATLAB: Error: MATLAB cannot run this file because doppler.m shadows it in the MATLAB path.


I am trying to use a function called 'doppler.m' from a 3rd party toolkit, but whenever I run the function MatLab will default to its build-in function, which currently just returns an error. When I try to place a breakpoint in the file, I get:
MATLAB cannot run this file because C:\…2b\toolbox\comm\comm\@doppler\doppler.m shadows it in the MATLAB path.
I added my folder higher in the path than MatLab, didn't help. I even copied my doppler.m file into my current folder, didn't help. When I run "which doppler -all", I get:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012b\toolbox\comm\comm\@doppler\doppler.m % doppler constructor
Y:\Software\Test\pvt\matlab_code\doppler.m % Shadowed
C:\Users\e427259\Documents\master\Tools\MatLab Toolkits\Constell\doppler.m % Shadowed
I'm running Matlab R2012b. Thanks.

Best Answer

You can move the external toolkit to a "package". Alternatively you could rename the function, but this might concern other M-files of this toolbox also, which call doppler.m.