MATLAB: Error loading .mat files

.mat file load errorMATLAB

I am trying to load the parameters (.mat file) in matlab, however I am getting the following error:
>> load('GetOptmzInput.mat')
Error using load
Cannot find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'Timeseries'
The closest match is: timeseries in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\toolbox\matlab\timeseries\@timeseries\timeseries.m
I am reltively new to matlab and I have never ran a code which has the input and output stored in parameters.
Can someone please help me undersatnd what should I do to resolve this issue.
Any help would be apprecialted.
Thank you very in advance.

Best Answer

Your mat file contains an object with class Timeseries (capital T), but that class is not defined anywhere on your current MATLAB path. You need to back to the program that created the mat and find its Timeseries class and make sure that class is on your path when you go to load the mat