MATLAB: Error installing matlab student r2012a on clean installation of ubuntu 12.04


I just installed a clean copy of ubuntu 12.04 on my pc. When I run the install script on my matlab student R2012a dvd with the command "sudo ./install -v" I get the output below.
vancan1ty@probook:/media/MATHWORKS_R2012A$ sudo ./install -v
[sudo] password for vancan1ty:
Could not find JRE for glnxa64. Trying glnx86.
Preparing installation files ...
-> DVD = /media/MATHWORKS_R2012A
-> ARCH = glnx86
-> DISPLAY = :0.0
-> JRE_LOC = /tmp/mathworks_3402/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre
-> LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/mathworks_3402/bin/glnx86
Command to run:
/tmp/mathworks_3402/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre/bin/java -splash:"/media/MATHWORKS_R2012A/java/splash.png" -Djava.ext.dirs=/tmp/mathworks_3402/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre/lib/ext:/tmp/mathworks_3402/java/jar:/tmp/mathworks_3402/java/jarext:/tmp/mathworks_3402/java/jarext/axis2/:/tmp/mathworks_3402/java/jarext/guice/:/tmp/mathworks_3402/java/jarext/webservices/ com/mathworks/studentinstaller/Launcher -root "/media/MATHWORKS_R2012A" -tmpdir "/tmp/mathworks_3402"
Installing ...
./install: 1: eval: /tmp/mathworks_3402/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre/bin/java: not found
The matlab splash screen never comes up. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could try next? Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

It looks like you are trying to install your version of MATLAB on a 64-bit version of Ubuntu. Since the student version of MATLAB only supports 32-bit Linux, installation is not going to be trivial. I would contact TMW for help.
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